JJ Garden Designs
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A Contemporary Garden

Small Garden

A small garden on a slope is never an easy project, add in some of the worst soil we have worked with for a long time and you have a real challenge ahead.

The brief was simple – create a low maintenance, modern and stylish garden to make the most of the small space available

JJ Garden Design Contemporary Garden

The view from the house.

The lower paving is limestone laid in a coursed arrangement to give it the required contemporary feel, smooth granite setts were used to add interest and create division.

The decking in the upper part of the garden is hardwood and will weather to a beautiful grey colour.

Modern garden on two levels

At the base of the steps, a polished sphere water feature was installed to bring sound and a cooling effect during the summer.


Hardwood Decking in Modern Garden

The view back to house shows the smooth granite setts in front of the door and at the corner of the garage.

A soft buff coloured gravel was used to mulch the planted areas to reduce the maintenance requirements.