Garden Design


Plant of the Month – April – Hyacinth

April 1, 2016 by James Cooper

Continuing our theme of choosing unexpectedly fantastic plants, this month it’s the turn of the Hyacinth.  A staggeringly fragrant bulb which can literally stop you mid step with it’s scent.

Hyacinths have a wide array of flower colours, although it is best to group similar tones together to avoid a garish show which will jar against your early spring garden.

Blue fragrant hyacinth


Planting tips

Plant Hyacinth bulbs in Autumn in well drained soil in full sun to achieve the best results.  A good position to site them is at the South facing base of a hedge or wall where they can sunbathe in the early spring sunshine.  Once they have finished flowering, leave the foliage until all the green has faded from the leaves before removing.

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