Garden Design


Plant of the Month

August 12, 2019 by James Cooper

This month we have chosen an unusual and beautiful tree, the Hoheria sexstylosa.  If ever there was a plant which should be seen more often it’s this one – the Hoheria is the holy grail of trees; small, evergreen which also flowers. What’s not to like?

Originally the Hoheria was thought to be too tender to grow successfully in the UK but we can vouch for our specimen which has survived the ‘Beast from the East’, being coated in ice for days.  Ideally, a sheltered position in a sunny part of the garden will give a new Hoheria the best chance.

Hoheria JJ Garden Designs Suffolk

Plant of the Month – Hoheria sexstylosa

Originally from the western coastal regions of New Zealand the fantastic white flowers appear in July and August giving a show stopping performance.

Over the years we have had our Hoheria we have had more comments and questions about it than any other plant, it’s certainly an unusual sight and well worth searching out.

Time to bring some Kiwi magic into your garden…