Garden Design


Plant of the Month – May

May 2, 2017 by James Cooper

This month we have chosen an unsung hero of the groundcover world, the beautiful Gallium oderatum.  This plant is as undemanding as you could want with the ability to cover areas of ground which other plants would stick their noses up at.

Gallium oderatum

Gallium oderatum

Whilst much of the Gallium family is invasive, this one is fairly well behaved and easily controlled.  We have used it beneath hedges and trees where it gives an evergreen carpet which, in spring, provides a picture of delicate white flowers.  In the picture we have planted bluebells which will be followed by hostas later.

Bees and other early insects are a fan of this plant which provides early nectar.

So, if you are after an easy groundcover to clothe the ground in a challenging spot, try this one.