Garden Design
Plant of the Month
March 21, 2020 by
Our plant of the month for March is sometimes called a one trick pony, but what a trick it is…
There is nothing like a Magnolia, it’s a traffic stopping beauty. Perhaps its the large waxy flowers appearing before the leaves that make it such a glorious sight, or perhaps the delicacy of the flowers prone to frost or the slightest breeze. Either way the Magnolia has a firm place as one of our favourite spring flowering plants.
We like to use Magnolias as a small trees where the underplanting can take over once the flowers have finished. Either purchase a standard magnolia as a small tree or plant it as a shrub and prune it as it matures Plant in humus rich soil away from strong winds and preferably in dappled shade, although an open position will suit.
So, why not take the long view and plant one of these stunners, it will amaze you every spring.