Garden Design
Plant of the Month
September 27, 2021 by James Cooper
During the change of seasons there are some plants which have saved their party piece until right to the end of the season, we’re talking about berries. We’ve picked two which, at the moment are stealing the show, the Pyracantha ‘Soleil d’Or’ and the Crataegus lavallei carrierei. As regular readers of this blog will know the Crataegus is one of our favourite small trees, it just does everything you could ask for.

Crataegus lavallei
This hawthorn is a small garden tree which forms a compact, neat crown. The thick, dark green leaves tend to be held well into winter making it a good choice for screening.
In late spring, pretty white flowers appear followed by small red berries or haws in the early autumn. The dark leaves really show off both the flowers and the berries to great effect. The leaves slowly turn orange and red as autumn progresses. The berries are usually held until after the leaves have dropped which gives the tree a beautiful ‘bauble’ effect.
Certainly a tree we have come to love.
Our second berry contender is the Pyracantha ‘Soleil d’Or’. A very useful and attractive wall shrub, which doesn’t mind a shady, dry spot against the house. Birds will love the autumn berries and it provides a useful spiny habitat to nest too.

Pyracantha ‘Soleil d’Or’
If you are looking to keep an element of interest in the garden this autumn these are two plants to start with.