Garden Design
Plant of the Month – May – Wisteria
April 29, 2016 by James Cooper
Our plant for this month was an easy choice – the Wisteria, queen of wall plants. OK, so it may take a while to become established and needs patience to train it properly, but what a plant.
The one shown on this picture is in our garden at home, in fact it is two Wisterias planted each side of the front door. Over the years we have trained it to cover most of the front wall.
Planting tips
Wisterias need a lot of space to fully show their wares, a house wall is perfect or a larger timber pergola over a path would be perfect. They are strong growers and need a firm hand, best to use heavier gauge wire and vine eyes screwed into the wall to support and train them.
When buying a Wisteria plant, it is best to buy one which has flowers on it as they can take a while to start flowering. They like the sun so chose a baked wall.
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