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Swimming Pool Garden in Alderton

Larger Garden

During last summer we have been involved in the design and construction of a garden around an existing older swimming pool in Alderton.  The pool and surrounding area were in a poor and dated condition and, being very close to the house, made for an unappealing approach into the garden.

Swimming Pool Garden Alderton

The style of the new layout uses smooth sandstone paving and long, narrow grey clay pavers to create a stylish and modern feel.  Slatted larch screens have replaced the existing Yew hedge to improve the available space around the pool and give a glimpse to the wider gardens beyond.

Detail of Paving

The soil in Alderton is extremely dry and light making maintaining a lawn difficult, the new lawn close to the pool has irrigation pipes watering the grass from beneath.  An interesting solution which should maintain a healthy colour lawn during the summer.

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The pictures show the garden with the hard landscaping completed and before the planting takes place later in the year.

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We were invited back by the customer to see how the garden and planting had progressed.  The new pool layout was proving a great success and with the arrival of summer was being used everyday by the family.

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We have made use of a restricted palette of colours for the planting to compliment the water colour.

In the foreground, Pennisteum grasses mix with Verbena to bring a veiled view to the pool from the house.

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View towards the house showing the undercover seating area and copper ball water feature set in gravel.


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As part of the new garden an outdoor shower was installed.


The large, copper water feature brings a cool relaxing element to the garden close to the house