We love trees and particulary the birch, this month we are championing a more unusual variety.
Plant of the Month
The start of cooler, more autumnal days means a change to the pace of a garden. This month we have chosen a fabulous small grass which captures the spirit of this time of year - the Pennisteum 'Hameln'.
This month we are championing a very useful evergreen groundcover perennial, the Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae.
This month we are giving the spotlight to a very useful evergreen shrub which will provide a sturdy backbone to your winter planting - the Ilex aquifolium 'Argenteovariatum'
As summer turns into autum we look at two plants wearing beautiful berries.
A stunning spring flowering tree which also has fantastic autumn colour too.
It's all about evergreen structure this month, so we are championing a beautiful fern.